According to the European law , more specific the Schengen Borders Code (EU 2016/399), a General Declararion is a mandatory immigration document for flights leaving or entering the European Union and/or the countries of the Schengen Treaty. The information provided with a General Declaration allows for effective immigration and border control. The Dutch Border Police (Royal Netherlands Marechaussee) requires a notice in advance for such flights for General Aviation traffic (both inbound and outbound). This notice must be provided at least 2 hours prior to take-off by means of a submitted General Declaration (hereinafter referred to as GenDec).
The Schengen Treaty allows free travel of persons between the countries that signed the Treaty (which is a subset of countries of the European Union). However, there are some exceptions:
Performs the duties of the border police (immigration) and secures Dutch and Europe's external and internal borders.
AOPA Netherlands is the Dutch Chapter of the global Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association, globally representing General Aviation.
The Royal Netherlands Association for Aviation is the overarching organization for all aeronautical sports in The Netherlands.
CloudAviation is a new energetic company dedicated to creating innovative online services for pilots.